Tips for growing strawberries!

I have been obsessed with strawberries lately! They are definitely in season. I can tell because they are big and beautiful and not ridiculously expensive. I enjoy strawberries as an accepted fruit on the Ketogenic diet, not to mention full of vitamin C and fiber, and beautiful color!

Now, when I say they are big, I mean HUGE! I had one the other day that was the size of a small apple. Of course, I realize, and you should too, that those giant strawberries are fertilized, pesticide-coated, and likely highly genetically modified (GMO). Strawberries are on the dirty dozen list of foods that tend to be heavily treated with pesticides and other chemicals and, therefore, it is important to buy organic strawberries if you are able.

I am not always able, but I try. Knowing is half the battle, as they say! If you aren’t buying those giant GMO beauties for the WOW factor or for special chocolate-dipped treats, there are ways to limit your pesticide exposure without paying premium organic prices. One option is to grow your own! I had a beautiful berry patch at my old house, but left it behind when we moved last summer. I have not yet found the perfect place for a berry patch at my new place, but I’ve sure been thinking about it!

Here’s some tips I found for creating your own beautiful, productive strawberry patch.



~Tips for growing the best strawberries~

  • Select a sunny, well-drained site for your strawberry patch.
  • Choose disease-resistant varieties when possible.
  • Amend soil with organic matter before planting.
  • Plant in early spring as soon as the ground can be worked.
  • Plant in matted rows with crowns no more than 2 inches deep.
  • Spacing depends on variety, but generally 12-18 inches apart.
  • Provide irrigation during hot, dry periods.
  • Fertilize every 4-6 weeks throughout the growing season.
  • Keep beds weed-free and mulched.
  • Prune runners to encourage larger berries.
  • Harvest berries when they are plump and fully red.
  • Protect from birds if necessary.